Providing holistic services that build community and inspire transformation at the individual, organizational and social levels.

Common Questions

What is a Life-Cycle Celebrant®?
Simply put, we are ceremony experts! We bring our client’s vision to life, rather than emphasizing our personal beliefs. Trained by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute, we create custom ceremonies for all stages of life—giving voice to the values, styles, personalities and culture of those involved. Originating in Australia in the 1960’s to address the needs of an ethnically diverse country, Celebrants are proud to facilitate ceremony for all communities.

Who should choose a Celebrant?
Anyone seeking a dynamic one-of-a-kind ceremony which reflects who they are!

What is your legal standing as a minister?
I am an ordained non-denominational minister, legally recognized to perform weddings. For destination weddings I’m happy to become authorized in your location. I also perform ceremonies for all passages of life.

What process can we expect?
My approach is creative and fun, yet always professional and reliable! My schedule books quickly, so let’s first touch base about availability. We’ll then meet up to to explore your hopes for the ceremony. After deciding we’re a great fit, I use a meaningful process to design your ceremony.  I deliver Proof 1 for your editing, and you have final say over every word! During the planning process, I provide unlimited consultation by phone and email.  I’m the one who leads the rehearsal and ceremony, so it’s a seamless process.

*For Memorials and Celebrations of Life, I come to your home for a personal interview so that we may plan together and draw forth your vision.

Can we create our own traditions or include religious, spiritual or secular rituals in our wedding?
You have full autonomy over your ceremony! We’ll consider all the elements that spark your interest—or design new rituals to fit your purpose. Some among the many might include: writing your unique love story; offering appreciation to families; creative ways to bless your rings; inviting your guests to participate; breaking of the glass; nature ceremonies like planting a tree or a flower circle of love; hand fasting or other knot-tying rituals; wine ceremonies; the Seven Steps; the Seven Blessings; jumping the broom; gift giving; community wish giving; and so much more. My beliefs are immaterial throughout the process, and the ceremony is focused 100% on what YOU believe!

Photo © Kim Phillips-KnopeWill you tell our love story?
We all have a story that is worth knowing and telling! I look forward to learning yours—whether it be to feature as your love story in your wedding or create a life legacy for a memorial. I make this process simple for you. I ask key questions in my Ceremony Planning Guide and then weave your experiences together into an engaging poetic story. This story will inspire your guests and help them feel connected to you. And on the important day, you get to soak it all up and listen to the tale of your love and life reflected back to you.

What is your experience with same-sex weddings?
Roots of Change is honored to serve LGBT couples.  We have been long-time advocates of marriage and family equality, and have the experience to celebrate you in all the ways you deserve!

Do you work with interfaith and multicultural couples?
We value diversity in all of its forms. Our professional training and experience allows us to blend cultural/faith traditions with skill and respect. We interview you, get to know your beliefs and then design a cohesive ceremony which authentically reflects both individuals’ identities and beliefs.

Do you travel or do destination weddings?
I love to officiate destination weddings in beautiful settings around the world! And I’m happy to accommodate travel requests whenever I can. Let’s talk!

What was your wedding like?
Our wedding is forever etched in our hearts! Kim and I got married in 2004 on Drummond Island—a remote island in Michigan’s upper peninsula surrounded by Lake Huron. We had a 3-day destination wedding with 100 of our closest peeps—who shared in kayaking, Latin dancing, hiking, a movie/cocktail night, swimming and Yoga. Two dear friends officiated the ceremony that Kim and I designed. We incorporated lots of elements like: asking guests to offer us wishes; showing appreciation to our families; using water from Lake Huron as a ring blessing;  poetic readings amidst classical guitar; calling of the directions; and writing our own vows. The wedding was ASL interpreted for Deaf friend–who is a gifted performance artist and also took part in the ceremony. We left the weekend feeling uplifted in the love and light of our community. These are among the best memories of our lives.

To view press coverage of our wedding and love story, check out an article in The Ann Arbor Observer.